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Toronto Is Hot!

It's hot out there! We're not sure what the weather is like all throughout Canada, but Toronto is experiencing one of it's hottest days on record. Today, The Toronto Star's website reports that today's temperature, so far, has been recorded…

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Overcome Your Fear

Many people fear what they do not know. This is why there is a widespread fear of the dark. Perhaps, it's not the dark that is scary but it is the idea that you cannot see anything that is nerve…

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Toronto Is Tops In Canadian Economy

Last week, we blogged about the recent discovery that Toronto was Canada's most expensive city to live in. In fact, a Mercer study determined that the city where Synergy Merchant Services is headquartered is the world's 59th most expensive town.…

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Summer Is The Season Of Spending

This past weekend, the City of Toronto experienced a sweltering dose of summer. It was hot! Not that we're complaining. We've made it pretty clear on the Synergy Merchant Services Blog that we're pretty fond of summer. We've also made…

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Simple Ways To Grow Your Business

In yesterday's blog, we touched upon the concept of “keeping it simple”. Many business owners across Canada tend to feel that getting money to grow their businesses is a long, drawn-out and complicated process. And when dealing with traditional banks,…

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Learning How To Keep It Simple

It is not uncommon for people to overthink things when presented with a dilemma. To work problems out, people sometimes weigh the pros and cons and wrack their brains thinking of all the possible outcomes that may result from taking…

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Toronto Most Expensive Canadian City

Being headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Synergy Merchant Services and its staff are very well aware of how expensive it is to live in this city. In addition, working with numerous business owners in Canada's largest city, we know how important…

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More Tips On How To Snag That Job

In yesterday’s blog, we took a look at the concept of finding a summer job, and how to present yourself in such a way that you are successful in doing so. Many young job seekers miss out on job opportunities…

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Avoid Missteps To Get Your Job

With summer in full swing, there are many students out there who are currently working summer jobs. Then again, there are also a lot of students out there who may still be seeking work. Going to job interview after job…

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