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Deeds To Drum Up More Business

At Synergy Merchant Services, we talk about the concept of growing business each and every day. It is the job of our licensed funding specialists to assist Canadian small and medium-sized business owners with getting the money they need to…

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Ontario Votes Today

Today, the province of Ontario votes for a new premier. Either that, or they'll be voting to keep the current premier, Dalton McGuinty, who represents the Liberal party. He'll be up against some stiff competition in Tim Hudak of the…

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The Cool Cash Advance Concept

It goes without saying that Synergy Merchant Services is highly in favour of the merchant cash advance concept. We feel very confident that our clients would agree. Unlike traditional bank loans, our merchant cash advance program gives Canadian business owners…

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Caribbean Carnival Creates Cash

With the Caribbean Carnival Parade (weird to write that instead of “Caribana Parade”) taking place in downtown Toronto tomorrow, it is expected that over a million people will pack Lakeshore Boulevard among the other streets of the city's downtown core.…

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Making The Right Investments

It pays to invest into your own business. Naturally, that statement is practically a mantra around Synergy Merchant Services. Our years of experience with working with small and medium-sized business owners in Canada have proven that. When entrepreneurs decide to…

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Heat Up Sales This Summer

Summer is most definitely here. In Toronto, we had the perfect Canada Day long weekend to prove that, as sunshine and warmth ruled the past three days. Now, that it's Monday, and we're all back to business, we'd like to…

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