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More Ways To Make Autumn Awesome

In yesterday’s blog, we took a look at a few ideas on how Canadian business owners can pump up business during the fall season. With the new school year having started and the weather beginning to cool off, the reality that summer is ending is beginning to sink in. Entrepreneurs, of course, know that the season to increase business lasts all year round.

So with that, we reviewed an article by R.K. Remenyi to locate some tips on how business owners can grow their businesses during the fall. It’s all about celebrating the season to get more customers excited about your business. And there are some simple yet innovate ways to do that.

One way is to create an autumn newsletter, says Remenyi. Although this is a marketing strategy that can also be used year round, you’ll want to encourage your customers to sign up for your emailing list so that they can take advantage of all of the autumn specials you will be offering.

Your newsletters should serve as reminders for them to come in and visit your store, since you will be making it such a festive environment. That is, if you follow some of the tips that were given to you in yesterday’s blog! Don’t forget to strike up conversations to see how their summers were. The more personable you are, the more they will enjoy coming into your store more regularly.

The fall is also a great time to use direct marketing pieces. This can be done by creating ads that also offer advice. One idea, according to Remenyi “is to send customers a calendar of all the autumn events happening around town, highlighting the ones you are taking part in or hosting.”

Finally, don’t forget to thank your clients. Keeping in mind that Thanksgiving falls within the fall season, it’s the perfect time to show your loyal customers how much you appreciate them. Send them cards wishing them a happy Thanksgiving and offer them thanks for supporting you throughout the year. Remember, that this is a gesture, not an advertisement.

As always, we hope that you will find these tips helpful. Just because the summer is over, it doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. In fact, there are a bunch of new ways that you can keep your customers excited throughout the next several months. Remember, even though autumn will soon be upon us, it doesn’t mean that your sales have to fall!

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