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Pump Customers Up As The Season Falls

For many Canadians, there are only two seasons: summer and winter. And these seasons change back and forth depending on whether it’s hot or cold outside. So, for example, when the chilliness of the fall season hit Toronto as early as this morning, some of our esteemed Synergy reps feared that summer was indeed over.

We are sure that many students are feeling that way considering that they are heading back to school today. But luckily, local weather forecasts still have temperatures hitting the mid-twenties on the Celcius scale this week. No matter the weather, however, the season for growing your business never ends.

And while it is not officially the fall season as of yet, it’s certainly the right time for business owners to be considering ways in which they can increase sales during autumn. On, R.L. Remenyi writes about a few ways that entrepreneurs can implement new and inventive marketing strategies for the fall season.

Keeping your business visible to your target audience will take some clever planning that should centre around the joyous occasions that take place during the fall. Firstly, the advent of the season itself should be celebrated at your store. Remember that making your customers feel good should be the core of all of your plans anyway.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to introduce a fall special. “Cut prices, offer a discount on your services, give away a free product with a purchase or hand out free samples,” suggests Remenyi, “This is especially good for places that people seek out in the fall. A good example would be a grocery store offering a half-off sale on pumpkins for a week.”

As well, it’s wise to participate in autumn events. If your community is hosting festivals or events that your company may be able to sponsor, you’ll want to get in on the action. One of Remenyi’s suggestions is to host a Halloween costume contest in your business. Again, celebrating the season should be central to your plans to get people excited about your business.

Not everyone likes it when summer comes to an end. We know quite a few reps here at Synergy who are already dreading the impending colder weather. But business owners across Canada should take the approaching fall season as an opportunity to do new things to gain new customers. We’ll continue to take a look at a few more ideas on how to do so in tomorrow’s blog.

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