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Heat Up Sales This Summer

Summer is most definitely here. In Toronto, we had the perfect Canada Day long weekend to prove that, as sunshine and warmth ruled the past three days. Now, that it’s Monday, and we’re all back to business, we’d like to remind everyone that the good times of summer can still keep rolling on.

As a business owner, you are constantly thinking of ways to promote your business. Our many clients find that utilizing their merchant cash advances in the summer time, however, happens to be the most opportunistic of endeavors. People tend to be in the best moods during the summer. So why not take advantage of that?

There are a number of ways to make the happiness that comes along with the bright and sunny days of summer work for you. Advertising your business through special outdoor events is just one of them. The good old barbeque, for example, is a fun and relatively inexpensive way to draw in more customers.

Hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks won’t cost you too much. But the increase in customer traffic will certainly help pay for going through the trouble. Your best bet is to combine your barbeque with a special sale of some kind to promote your best or newest products. Include a contest, such as a raffle, so that you can create a way to keep in contact with your new customers.

Have those who attend your barbeque fill out a simple card with their names and email addresses. Keep them abreast of new promotions, sales and inventory that will keep them coming back to your store, even when the weather isn’t so hot. But as long as it is hot, you may as well take your business outside!

Consider that more people are outside in the summer, anyway. So why shouldn’t you be as well?, in fact, recommends making every outdoor excursion a business opportunity this summer. Even if you just happen to be taking your kids to the park, you’ll want to be sure to have your business cards on you.

The website also suggests setting up a booth at other events taking place this summer. Writes “Be sure to hang a large sign with your business name on it; you can also pass out fliers or brochure printing materials to the people who stop by to give them something to read while they are waiting for the show to begin.”

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