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Giving Your Business A Boost

In yesterday’s blog, we discussed a few ideas about how entrepreneurs across Canada can boost their sales this summer. Of course, with the beautiful weather gracing us for the next couple of months, it is important to take full advantage. Canadians will take all the sun they can get during the summer…and as such, business owners should try to welcome all the customers they can.

We’d like to continue with this theme by going over a few more ways that you can increase sales in your store. Today’s tips aren’t specific to the summer time, however, but can come in handy at just about any time of the year. Boosting business should always be the name of the game, no matter the season anyway, right?

On, marketing and public relations consultant Michelle Y. Stevenson lists a number of strategies that any business owner can implement. She suggests beginning a new marketing campaign by targeting your best potential customers. In other words, if you’re going to start somewhere, it may as well be with your most loyal clients.

Stevenson encourages business owners to conduct a survey with your choice customers to figure out their demographics. Discovering such things as gender, age, income and where they live can help you to develop targeted mailing lists and advertising ideas that will best reach your most profitable audience.

Taking it one step further, Stevenson recommends that you simply ask your customers what they want instead of simply guessing. Use this information to better service their needs. This will also give them the feeling that your company cares and is willing to go the distance to meet their concerns.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on what your competition is doing, reminds Stevenson. Determine what things you do better than your competitors and highlight them. You’ll want to make sure you give your clients good reasons to choose your brand over the competition. Even if you don’t have the lowest prices, you should be able to provide the best value.

“Expand your networking efforts”, writes Stevenson, “Get out of the office and meet people. Attend networking events that reach your audience. If youre buried and cant escape, send someone else to represent your company. Follow up with the people you meet.”

We will continue to take a look at this topic in tomorrow’s blog.

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