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Ways To Whip Up More Business

In yesterday’s blog, we revisited the ever-important topic of bringing in more business to your company. Every day, here at Synergy Merchant Services, our licensed funding specialists discuss this topic with their clients. Being in the business of supplying money to small and medium-sized business owners across Canada, we do have our fair share of ideas on how entrepreneurs can grow their companies.

On, Laura Tiffany shares a few ideas of her own. In addition to the suggestions we listed yesterday, she also advises business owners to “get friendly”. In other words, it’s important to offer your expertise to those who need it. She notes that this will make you both a good business person and “all-around good person”.

It certainly wouldn’t hurt your business if its owner became known as someone with a great enthusiasm for helping others. Tiffany suggests getting involved in your community or aligning your brand with a nonprofit organization. Each time this organization raises funds, they would be promoting your business as well. It’s a win-win situation all around.

“Offer work samples,” recommends Tiffany. Sometimes when you offer free services – similar to how a restaurant or grocery store may provide a free food sample – you endear yourself to would-be customers who would have an idea of how your company operates. Whether you offer products or services, a free sample now and again may certainly improve your chances of attracting paying customers.

It’s important to network, Tiffany reminds us. Listen to what people have to say. This goes for both customers and industry professionals alike. Make sure you keep your ear to the ground in order to figure out what people are interested in. Your business should always be on top of supplying what the public is demanding.

It’s also a good idea to cross promote with other businesses, as well. Do you share customers with other businesses? Of course you do! One way to build upon your current customer base is to work with other entrepreneurs who can refer customers to your store. If you do the same, it’s a free way of growing your client base.

Writes Tiffany: “Whom do you share customers with? Find them and figure out how you can promote one another. If you’re a PR person, hook up with a copywriter or graphic designer for client referrals.” We’ll conclude our look at Tiffany’s suggestions in tomorrow’s blog.

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