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Snazzy Ways To Boost Business This Summer

With summer just around the corner, there will be a lot of new opportunities for you to grow your business. Naturally, with the changing of the seasons, people will find new activities to get involved in. So, it should go without saying that business owners should find new ways to promote their companies during the warm summer months.

Karin Price Mueller of Entrepreneur magazine agrees. On, she states that there are “unconventional” ways to grow your business that aren’t necessarily very costly. For example, perhaps you could sponsor a local school or community sports team. If you buy the jerseys, you may place your company name, logo and number on them.

Your business will be advertised each and every time the team takes the field. Not to mention, you’ll be doing a great thing for the youth in your community. Consider that the one time cost of the jerseys for your sponsorship will provide advertising all season long. But, in addition, you will give children a wonderful summer of memories.

Mueller also suggests that you consider licensing your product. By doing so, you may charge a monthly fee and ask for royalties from sales. Either that, or you may request a one-time fee to cover a certain period of time. This way, you can have your product introduced to new customers by being distributed by another party.

How about staging a publicity stunt? The wonderful weather that summer brings opens up the possibilities of creating outdoor activities that have the potential to create a big buzz for your business. Your “stunt” doesn’t have to be outlandish. It can be as simple as driving around giving out free samples of your product.

Or perhaps, you can stage an outdoor event with local celebrities or models. Maybe, you can have your staff put on a performance of some kind or even do charity work. The point, however, is to make sure that you create a newsworthy spectacle. Invite the media and be sure to document your stunt by filming it and posting it to YouTube!

How about a hostile takeover? Okay, seriously, maybe just forming an alliance with a like-minded business owner will be the way to take your business to new levels this summer. Consider offering your products and services in a way that can be combined with those of another business.

Suggests Mueller: “If you have a line of Italian sauces, talk to local restaurants and pizza joints about selling your products direct to their customers. In return, offer to help market or distribute one of the eatery’s signature items…(Or) your massage business could create package deals with the local nail salon to draw in more customers.”

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