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Boost Business All Summer Long

In yesterday’s blog, we looked at a number of ways that business owners can jazz up their businesses this summer to increase sales. Of course, Synergy Merchant Services is in the business of assisting Canadian entrepreneurs with growing their businesses all year round. But there’s just something about the summer season that can’t be denied.

Let’s face it, in Canada, it’s important to cherish those hot summer months. A lot more people are outside and are interested in engaging themselves in outdoor activities. Naturally, this provides business owners with all the more reason to get people excited about visiting their businesses.

Entrepreneur magazine’s Karin Price Mueller lists a number of “unconventional” ways to promote your business on Continuing to take a look at her suggestions today, we’d like to note that there really is no idea that is too big or too small. It’s all about being creative in order to generate a buzz about your business to help set it apart from its competition.

Take, for example, Mueller’s suggestion to stage a charity event. This is a bit different than the publicity stunt mentioned in yesterday’s blog. She writes that “all charities could use a little help raising money, and there’s no better PR than showing that you and your company have a heart.”

Mueller recommends contacting a local charity to find out how your business can help publicize an event that would assist that charity with raising money. This will both help out a worthy cause and create excellent publicity for your business. In this case, it’s certainly a win-win situation to help both your company and your community.

Don’t forget to take advantage of social networking websites. Of course, this type of business promotion is no longer unconventional, nor is it something specific to the summer season. But by all means, jumping online and creating a Facebook and Twitter profile is a practice all business owners should employ.

Not only is it a proven way to plug your business, but it’s free to do so! Exposing your company to a larger audience in this way will work wonders. Adds Mueller, “Make sure to keep your pages interesting by linking to content relevant to your business and your customers.”

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