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Here Comes The Snow

It couldn’t just be flurries, huh? We can’t just have a light sprinkle of the white stuff to officially start off our winter season, can we? No. We here in the southern Ontario region usually get to enjoy a December void of very much snow. For many years, we have grown somewhat accustomed to getting news about the rest of Canada being buried underneath several centimetres of snowfall, while we generally wait until the new year to plan our snowball fights.

However, barely a week into the month of December, Environment Canada has issued a winter storm warning for the City of Toronto. Whatever happened to expecting a chance of snow before it all comes avalanching down on us? What gives? Says CityTV meteorologist Adam Stiles, “A tricky storm system is on the way, packing snow, wind and some rain for the GTA.” Just great.

As reports, “Traffic Constable Hugh Smith is asking drivers to take it easy and leave space between vehicles.” Says Smith: “Those speed limits on the roads are maximums, and that is for the eight months of the year when there is really good road surface, you’re going through all those different changes, the rain, the snow, the sleet. It’s going to have an effect whether you have snow tires or not.”

Those looking to make it in on time to work tomorrow morning are encouraged to leave a full hour early for their commutes. Why do some people actually like snow again? The 680News report notes that snow and strong winds are expected to begin tonight and continue right until the morning.

The question on the minds of many Torontonians, especially those who drive, is most likely “when will the snow get cleared?” Reports indicate that as the snow begins, salt tracks will be sent out. As well, once the snow gets to five centimetres, plows will get on the main roads to clear them until the snowing stops.

If snow accumulation hits eight centimetres, then plows will visit the local roads as well. Sidewalks of local roads will also be cleared wherever possible. Property owners are also reminded that they are required to clear their sidewalks of snow 12 hours after a storm hits.

With the winter season officially upon us, many school children no doubt, will be ready to hit the outdoors in an excited effort to create snowmen and engage in snowball fights. Those a bit older, however, with the task of commuting to and from work and school every day are most likely not going to enjoy themselves tomorrow morning.

Snow, not only creates heavier traffic but obviously also causes dangerous road conditions. A reminder to be extra cautious and safe while driving. And, if possible..dare we say it…enjoy the official arrival of winter in Toronto.

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