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Continuing To Keep Cool On The Job

In yesterday’s blog, we began to take a look at a few ways that employers can make a good impression in the work place. Doing so is of prime importance, not only to please customers but to excel at your job and impress your employer. At the end of the day, it will make your work life experience all the more better.

On, Dawn Rosenburg McKay discusses a number of ways that workers can impress their bosses, co-workers and customers. In addition to the points made yesterday, McKay notes that it’s important for employees to know what topics to avoid discussing. There are particular things that are better left unsaid at work.

For example, McKay notes that “subjects that do not make for good workplace conversation include politics, religion, and health problems and other personal issues.” You may want to tread very lightly in these areas unless you have developed the kind of rapport with your co-workers and employer that would allow for these topics to be discussed.

The whole point, of course, is not to offend your co-workers. Showing respect is the best way to receive it in return. Not to mention, one of the last things that an employer wants to hear about an employee is that he or she has been disrespectful to another member of the staff.

Manage your time effectively, says McKay. Demonstrate that you manage time well by handing in projects before the deadline. Never assume that you can procrastinate with a task because you have “enough time” to complete it. You never know what other responsibilities may come up that may prevent you from missing a deadline.

Don’t forget to dress appropriately, by the way. “If you aspire to be a leader at work,” writes McKay, “dress like one”. This should be an easy tip to follow. On day one of your job, the dress code should be clearly outlined. Be sure to follow it and you will be easily making your first step to making a good impression.

Finally, represent your company well at business meetings. Writes McKay: “When you represent your employer at a business meeting making a good impression on other attendees will in turn help you make a good impression on your boss. Dress appropriately, network on your employer’s behalf, and bring back information.”

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