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Merchant Cash Advance Popularity in Canada

Merchant Cash Advances, Merchant Funding, Factoring, or whatever you call it! The popularity of the Synergy Merchant Services Merchant Cash Advance program offered through Canada is growing at a very impressive rate. I am finding that the rate of growth…

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CRFA Show A Huge Success!

The CRFA Show in Toronto was a huge success for Synergy Merchant Services, and we would like to thank everyone who came by to say "hello" and support us in our quest to educate Canadian Merchants about merchant funding/merchant cash…

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Associate Member Of The CRFA?

Last week our board submitted a four page proposal to the Canadian Restaurant & Foodservices Association in hopes of becoming its next associated member. The benefits to this would be immense on three sides. We are very confident that our…

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Get Off On The Right Foot In 2008

December is traditionally the slowest time of the year for merchant level salespeople. Merchants are busy trying to take advantage of the holiday rush and don’t have time to re-evaluate their merchant processing. This is a great time to dust…

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Yet Another Resource For Merchant Funding

Merchants are frequently in need of cash when they have already exhausted all other sources of available credit such as bank loans, lines of credit and credit cards. Banks often refuse to lend money to merchants in this situation because…

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