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Up For A Blind Date?

We know that Valentine's Day was about a month and a half ago. But we were kind of hoping that maybe we could still play “matchmaker” with you. That is, of course, if you are a Canadian business owner who…

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Prepare To Be Pranked This Thursday

No joking around, this coming Thursday is April Fool's Day. And as we commented on last week, it is a time for pulling pranks. But not necessarily in the office place. In our “Office Pranks Are No Joke” blog, we…

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Drive On In For A Quote

Calling all drivers. Let’s suppose that your car couldn’t start this morning. You’re not sure exactly what is wrong with it, but you know it’s going to need some repairs. So you call your local mechanic. He’s nice enough. You’ve…

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Stronger Loonie Makes For Greater Travel

Here's some news that is sure to make Synergy's Vice President of Marketing, John Meloche really happy. Today The Toronto Star's business reporter, Madhavi Acharya-Tom Yew reports that the rising value of the loonie is making it easier for more…

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Try The Alternative

Imagine, if you will, the following scenario. Perhaps it's one that you are familiar with. You're at home. You're hungry. There's nothing at all in the fridge or the cupboards to eat. So you figure it'd be a good idea…

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Office Pranks Are No Joke

With the first of April just over a week away, many would-be pranksters are already conjuring up ideas about how to gag their friends, family members and co-workers. Of course, April 1st is known in many places throughout the world…

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Beating The Recession Blues

It's true. Canada is slowly but surely pulling its way out of the recession. The national economy, in fact, is growing at a rate greater than most nations, making Canada a leader in the gaining of financial stability. That being…

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Synergy VP John Meloche Gets Pie-Faced!

Regular readers of the Synergy Merchant Services Blog have come to know a little bit about our beloved Vice President of Marketing, John Meloche over the past couple of years. In those years, John has proposed to his beautiful girlfriend…

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Make The Most Of Your Grocery Money

Earlier today in the Synergy Merchant Services offices, two of our team members were having a conversation about their grocery buying habits. Both individuals, who each live on their own, discovered that they each had vastly different methods of trying…

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Loonie Getting Close To Dominance

Ever since Sidney Crosby scored that monumental golden goal in overtime to capture the gold medal in the 2010 Winter Olympics' men's hockey tournament, Canada has been abuzz with feelings of dominance over its neighbours to the south. In many…

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