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Happy Victoria Day!

We know that most of you are basking in the sun today. And why not? Taking advantage of one of Canada's favourite weekends, a good number of Canadians are either at the cottage or at someone's barbeque enjoying the extra…

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Cottage Succession Often Overlooked

This is the weekend that Canadians look forward to as soon as the weather starts warming up. Recognized nationwide as the first real long weekend of the spring (the one when the weather is hot enough to really enjoy it),…

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Hitting The Cash Advance Home Run

Even as the merchant cash advance industry continues to grow in Canada, it is still a concept that is relatively foreign to the majority of Canadian business owners. So, with the Major League Baseball season in full swing, we figured…

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Impending HST Still Causing A Stir

As residents of both Ontario and British Columbia are by now, well aware, Harmonized Sales Tax is taking effect as of July 1st. However, it has been anything but harmonious in either province as protesters have been imploring each province’s…

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New Credit And Debit Card Code On The Way

The acceptance of Visa, MasterCard and Interac cards as methods of payment is extremely popular with merchants all over Canada. And why wouldn’t it be? These days, Canadian consumers are using plastic to pay for items and services more than…

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Further Job Growth Expected This Spring

Synergy Merchant Services continues to add to our ever-growing staff, and we're pretty excited about continuing to grow our company. If you are seeking employment and live in the Toronto area, give us a call at 1-866-299-0101 to book an…

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Is Enough Money Really Enough?

Is there really such a thing as having “enough money”? It would be an amazing experience if such a thing was ever true. If we all had “enough money”, we wouldn’t need to go into work every day. Nevertheless, many…

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HST To Cause Booze Cost Boost

As we reported on the Synergy Merchant Services Blog back in December, Harmonized Sales Tax is set to take effect in both Ontario and British Columbia on the first of July this year. Now, under two months away from HST…

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Canada Also A World Leader In Job Growth

Although we have proudly proclaimed this before, it is only right we do so again. Canada's economy is among the strongest in the world. Following the recession, our great nation continues to prove its rebounding prowess in a number of…

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