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Canada Confident About Economy

At the beginning of the month, Canadian voters made their voices loud and clear. It appeared as if the majority of them were yelling “thank you for digging us out of the recession!” As the polls showed, once the federal…

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Take Advantage Of The Season

As we take a look outside the windows here at Synergy Merchant Services headquarters in Toronto, we can’t help but smile. It appears as if there isn’t a cloud in the sky and the sun is shining brightly. Gone are…

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Canada Adding Better Paying Jobs

Last week, Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper won himself a majority government in a federal election that saw a record number of seats change parties in the House of Commons. Many Canadians believe that the election results were Harper’s reward…

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Take A Walk On The Wild Side

At Synergy, we are strong believers in always looking for new and innovative ways to promote your business. No matter how successful you have been in the past, you don't want to take for granted that your customers will always…

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Putting Your Plan Together

Of late, there has been a lot of talk about Canada’s ability to rebound from the recession. The federal election that took place this past Monday seemed to reaffirm the nation’s belief that the strength of the economy is one…

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Achieving The Millionaire Dream

You know the show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”? Well, most people do. In fact, the Indian version of the hit game show became the focus of the Academy Award winning film, Slumdog Millionaire in 2008. The concept of…

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Loonie Helping Canadian NHL Dreams

For most people, when they think of Canada, one of the first things that come to mind is hockey. The sport played on ice is synonymous with Canadian culture, and there is no question that, at this time of year,…

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NDP Popularity Surge Worries Investors

Whenever a federal election takes place, the nation’s economic situation is generally at the top of the priority list for voters. With Stephen Harper’s Conservatives successfully securing a majority government in yesterday’s election, it appears clear that Canada is thankful…

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A Day To Celebrate Freedom

It is a huge news day today! Firstly, Canada is going to the polls to decide upon who will be running the country. Today, either a new Prime Minister will be voted into office or the reigning Prime Minister will…

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Go Out And Vote This Monday!

This coming Monday, all of Canada will be called upon to help lead the country in a new direction. With campaigning for the federal election making its final rounds this weekend, it's extremely important for all Canadians to consider which…

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