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Make Sales Rise As The Season Falls

In yesterday’s blog, we began discussing ways that business owners can increase their sales during periods when sales are slow. Obviously, it is the objective of all business owners to boost business at all times of the year, but we took a special look at the upcoming fall season to suggest ways that store owners can use it to their advantage.

On, Shari Waters writes of the various ways that entrepreneurs can increase retails sales during slow periods. For the most part, her tips appear as common sense rules to follow in the world of business. However, a deeper look at her suggestions reveal that it is all about how her tips are implemented.

Success is found when you stand out from the crowd. Or in this case, your competition. It’s important to generate a buzz, writes Waters. So with the fall season approaching, business owners should think of ways to help their companies shine. Are there community events that your business could sponsor?

Perhaps, you can create a unique promotional event of your own. Would a Halloween costume contest work in your store? Could you run a contest of some kind where you’ll be giving away a prize to a customer on Halloween? Maybe each time a purchase is made in your store, it can count as an entry into this contest.

It’s all about making connections with your customers. This is Waters’ final and probably most important point. There is nothing that beats excellent customer service. Remember that your customers are the reasons that you have a company to begin with. Making them feel connected your business and providing them with enjoyable experiences each time they visit plays a huge role in your success.

Writes Waters: “Excellent customer service is the key to increasing sales. Listen to your customer to understand their needs and wants. Then educate him/her about the products. Finally, let the customer know you appreciate their business. Offer value-added services and products.”

As always, we are here to help you at Synergy Merchant Services. Our merchant cash advance program was become the quickest and easiest way for Canadian business owners to get money to grow their businesses. If you have some ideas that you would like to implement this fall, call one of our licensed funding specialists today to discuss ways that a cash advance may help you with your plans.


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