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Boosting Employee Morale To Boost Sales

We talk a lot about boosting business around here, at Synergy Merchant Services. After all, that’s what we’re in the business of doing. Our unique merchant cash advance program has helped Canadian business owners of small and medium-sized businesses grow tremendously over the past several years.

Our blog has often revealed many different ways that entrepreneurs can use the money we provide them to take their companies to the next level. Renovations, expansion, advertising, buying new equipment or inventory – the list of things to do with a merchant cash advance is literally endless.

This past week, the Synergy Merchant Services Blog has focused primarily on encouraging business owners to take advantage of the new fall season, which is practically upon us. To boost sales over the coming months, it will be very important for retailers to spruce up their shops to make them festive and more inviting to customers.

Boosting sales should always be a priority in your company. But there is a way to increase sales that often goes overlooked. Investing time in employee morale is a key ingredient to running a successful business of any kind. We often say that a business cannot run without customers – but how can it function without your employees?

On, Joy Powers lists a number of ways that you can boost employee morale to make your company more productive. We figure she knows what she’s talking about. After all, is there a better name for a person to talk about morale boosting than “Joy”? She writes, that happy workers are more productive, so let’s make sure your workers are happy, shall we?

Making your workers happy doesn’t have to be expensive, Powers reminds us. One of the first things you can do is simply recognize individual employees. This simple acknowledgment of a job well done can go a long way. Use your staff meetings to offer praise to those deserving of it. Take the time to write handwritten thank you messages as well.

Another way to show your employees that you value them is to show them the results of their hard work. Give examples of the direct impact that their efforts have caused. Reward those who have shown improvement. Highlight the accomplishments of those who may be new to your staff and make them feel welcome.

We’ll be sure to take a look at a few other ways to boost employee morale in tomorrow’s blog.

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