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New Jobs Popping Up Across Canada

With many universities across the country letting out at this time, and with high schools to follow suit in the coming months, there will be a lot of students looking for summer work. But apparently, this won’t be the only reason that more jobs will be offered throughout Canada this year.

Yesterday, the QMI Agency reported that hiring intentions across the country are the highest they have been in six years. A new survey conducted by the Conference Board of Canada has found that its Help-Wanted Index rose 10.4 per cent last month. This is the biggest gain so far this year for its reading that indicates companies’ plans for hiring.

The reading currently sits at 125.3, which is its highest number since data collection started six years ago. According to the Conference Board: “The latest surge in the index suggests that national employment will likely resume its upward trend in the coming months.”

As QMI notes, job growth is taking place all over Canada. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador seems to be leading the way with employment expectations reaching a 22.2 point increase. Close-by Prince Edward Island, on the other hand, was the nation’s only province that displayed a decrease in hiring intentions.

Evidently, this is the time when Canadians should have their resumes updated and prepared for their next interviews. In fact, Synergy Merchant Services is looking to expand its employee base by offering new positions to enthusiastic candidates. Give us a call to book your interview today!

It appears as if things really are turning around. When the global recession hit, it forced the loss of what seemed to be countless jobs. But Canada’s rebounding from the economic crisis has placed the nation almost right back to a position that was enjoyed before the recession.

That being said, QMI notes that there seems to be less people without work than there are job postings out there! Says the article: “Overall, the country’s labour market has been tightening since last November. That means for every job posted online, there are fewer registered unemployed individuals competing for the position.”

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