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What Are The Best Ways To Grow Your Retail Sales?

Every retail store owner wants to boost sales. But, as the title of today’s blog asks, what are the best ways to grow retail sales? The truth is often found in the type of store you own. Naturally, the type of business you run will determine what the best advertising methods are. It’s important to keep your target audience in mind when considering how to encourage a boost in sales numbers.

For example, if you own a toy store, you’ll want to appeal to kids and their parents. A fun summer event that incorporates a variety of activities would work a lot better for your brand than it would a furniture shop. You get the picture. However, there are a few advertising methods that are bound to elicit some greater interest in your store regardless of its industry.

Add new products and services to your line of offerings.

Sometimes, expansion is the way to go. If your current product line has seemed to plateau in terms of its sales numbers, it may be time to add some new offerings to the fold. As well, consider the ways that you may be able to bundle your current products and services either with each other or with the new products and services you add to your line up.

“Adding new items or services to your catalog could help you grow your business,” says Francesca Nicasio on, “A great way to go about this is to think of any related products or services that you can sell. Are shoppers requesting anything in particular? Is there anything they really need, but you aren’t selling yet?”

Lead your team by example.

In order for you to be successful in boosting your retail sales, your entire team needs to be on board with the mission. But, it starts with you. It’s one thing to encourage your team members to be excellent customer service providers. It’s another thing to show them how it’s done. Get on the floor and lead by example. Show how to speak to customer needs, upsell and help for visitors of your retail store to always leave happy.

“If managers themselves aren’t trained to begin with, how will they be able to recognize, analyze, and give guidance when an associate loses a sale?” asks Bob Phibbs on, “Only if the manager understands how to make a sale, can unpack a missed sale, and say something like, ‘You got scared. Listen more and look for the Windows of Contact,’ will they be able to help their team grow your sales.”

Ensure that your company website is mobile-friendly.

Most entrepreneurs are well aware that, in 2018, the majority of consumers go online to research products and services before making any buying decisions. Shoppers read reviews, browse various items and compare prices online. They also do the vast majority of this online research on their mobile devices. To boost your sales, it’s imperative that your website is mobile-friendly.

“More and more consumers are shopping on the go,” explains Nicasio, “Expanding to the mobile realm gives you the ability to keep up. Fortunately, if you already have an online store, going mobile shouldn’t be that difficult. Plenty of ecommerce platforms these days offer mobile capabilities so you can sell to your on-the-go customers with ease.”

No matter the promotional campaign you decide upon to boost your sales, Synergy Merchants can help you to afford launching it. To learn more about our unique merchant cash advance program, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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