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How Thinking Outside The Box Can Grow Your Company

It’s important to adopt advertising strategies that separate your brand from its competitors. It’s wise to not just promote the products and services you have available, but to communicate the unique customer experiences that supporters of your brand can enjoy. What do you offer that no one else does? How can you market your brand so that consumers are aware of what makes you different?

To truly help your brand to stand out, it’s wise to think outside the box. We know – by today’s standards, the idiom has become a cliché. However, it is nonetheless true that being unique and original is a huge key to garnering attention. Remember that attention spans are short. If your brand appears no different than any other, how do you expect to get noticed?

Make things personal.

People love customization. Even in today’s technologically-advanced world, people still get excited about things as simple as seeing their names on cans of soda. Jay Moye of the Coca-Cola Company explains, on their company website, how their “Share A Coke” campaign, began as a way to strengthen the brand’s bond with young adults in Australia.

The marketing idea, which placed people’s first names on their bottles and cans, helped to sell 250 million of them in the summer of 2011. Australia, notes Moye, is a nation of just under 23 million people. The campaign, as you’re likely aware, has since gone worldwide.

Is there a way that you can customize your products and services for your customers? Believe it or not, something as simple as placing your customers’ names on your items can have a massive impact.

“Studies have shown that 56 percent of consumers said receiving a personalized incentive would improve consideration of the brand,” reports Dan Scalco on, “If there’s a way for you to allow customer customization, give it a try and see how your audience responds… Anything that gets your customer’s name on your product works — using frosting to write the order name on your donuts, or offering free monogramming on your inventory of purses or apparel.”

Don’t neglect your employees.

All too often, business owners get so caught up in trying to impress their customers that they forget the individuals who truly matter the most to their companies: the employees. Focusing efforts on having high employee morale will work wonders for your brand. The good-natured atmosphere at your place of business will be felt by those who enter it.

“A successful company relies on its employees to keep it running smoothly and if your team isn’t happy, it’s simply not going to perform as well,” confirms Martin Zwilling on, “It may seem counterproductive to be giving away a whole host of benefits to the people on your payroll – after all a business is about maximizing profits, right? But the more you reward your staff, the more likely they are to stay with you and to promote the business in the best light possible even when they’re not at work.”

Avoid the bank when seeking financing.

Another great way to think outside the box is to save yourself the stress of applying for a business loan from the bank. Instead, enjoy the incredibly quick and convenient process of securing a merchant cash advance from Synergy Merchants! Learn just how easy it is by calling us at 1-877-718-2026 or emailing us at

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