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The New Year Also Brings New Jobs

We are just five days into a brand spanking new decade and Synergy Merchant Services is as excited as ever to move full throttle into continuing our mission to help strengthen the Canadian economy. For years, we have diligently worked towards providing small to medium-sized Canadian businesses with the necessary extra capital to help them grow.

This past year proved very difficult for many business owners and citizens alike as the recession caused a great blow to the economy. Major drops in sales as well as a declining work force seemed to spell the downfall of Canada’s financial system. However, as we reported yesterday, with the new year comes new hope. Canadians, it appears, are looking towards the future with greater optimism about the nation’s economic status.

Not only do Canadians seem to be feeling more positively about their financial futures but employers are showing more confidence in the hiring process this year. Last week, The Canadian Press reported on a recent survey conducted by internet job site, that polled 255 private-sector hiring officials between November 5th and 23rd, 2009.

The poll discovered that 29% of employers planned on hiring workers this year compared to just 9% who believed that they would be cutting staff. According to the report, “The results are in line with a survey of 688 manufacturers released Tuesday that also found a net positive on hiring intentions in the New Year.”

Canada’s labour market took a major blow over the past two years. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost all over the nation sending many Canadians spiraling towards debt and a sense of hopelessness. It appears as if, at the very least, some of that hope has been restored as the market has been stabilizing as of late.

And while The Canadian Press notes that the nation “still has much catching up to do”, Statistics Canada reported when 73,000 jobs were added this past November. It marked the most positive employment report in more than a year.

Proudly, Synergy has done its part in increasing Canada’s workforce as we currently are working within our largest team yet. With a great outlook for the new year and the many years to follow, we hope to encourage business owners all across Canada to do their part in ensuring our country’s financial status continues to strengthen.

Whether through the hiring of new staff or the growth of a business through investing in renovations, expansion or new inventory, Canadian business are in a position to look forward to securing greater profits and becoming more successful. This is a position, of course, that many thought would be impossible just a year ago.

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