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The Importance Of Being Thankful For Your Customers
Here in Canada, Thanksgiving is coming up! This forthcoming weekend marks the annual occasion when we remind ourselves of what we’re thankful for. As a business owner, it’s wise to show your gratitude to those who support your business all year round. However, given the approaching holiday, we thought that now was a good time to remind you of the importance of being thankful for your customers.
Customers like to feel valued.
In today’s world, securing customer loyalty requires a lot more than simply offering high-quality products and services. Consumers enjoy feeling connections with the brands they support. The brands that make the most connections are the ones that take extra steps in making their customers feel valued. A “thank you” can go a long way. Showing your gratitude is a great way to encourage customers to keep coming back.
“No one likes being in a one-way relationship – the kind where you’re the only one committing any time or attention to keeping it going,” says Alex McEachern on, “When you’re always giving and never receiving, it’s easy to feel unappreciated and undervalued. 60% of businesses have lost a customer because they feel the business is indifferent to them.”
Your gratitude will foster word of mouth promotion.
When you communicate your appreciation to your customers, you encourage them to recommend you to others. Everyone likes to feel appreciated. Your sincere show of thanks will help to grow your brand’s reputation and strengthen its customer relationships. The word will spread. And, as every business owner knows, there is no better promotion than word of mouth promotion. Simply put, consumers trust the words of other consumers.
“Word of mouth remains one of the most influential marketing tactics,” insists Claire Swinarski of Customer Contact Advisor, “You can buy all of the Facebook ads, take out all of the billboards, and attend all of the trade shows, but someone recommending your business to a friend or family member is what will truly move your business forward. If they feel valued by you, customers are much more likely to do so.”
Thanking customers will encourage greater sales.
Earlier, we mentioned that being thankful is a great way to keep customers coming back. Naturally, the more customers who visit your store, the more sales you’re bound to make. Showing gratitude is an excellent way to encourage greater sales. According to McEachern, studies have shown that 38% of customers attribute a good customer experience to personalization.
“When your customers are happy, they’re bound to come back to your brand, join your community, and make more purchases as a result!” he writes, “In fact, shoppers are willing to pay more in order to get a better customer experience, meaning your gratitude has the potential to skyrocket your profitability.”
At Synergy Merchants, we’re very thankful for our clients!
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