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How Small Business Owners Can Use The Internet To Their Advantage

In our last blog, we strongly suggested that Canadian entrepreneurs invest in online marketing strategies in order to grow their small businesses. In fact, some of the simplest forms of advertising via the internet have proven to have the most significant impacts. Among them are blogging and social media engagement. They make clear that the internet is a necessary part of any company’s success in today’s world.

However, in the year 2017, declaring that the internet is a resourceful sales tool is nothing more than stating the obvious. These days, Canadian shoppers are regularly online searching for and browsing through items, comparing prices and eventually settling on their purchase choices. This is a fact that shouldn’t be taken lightly by small business owners all across Canada. To grow sales, it’s practically a must to utilize the internet.

How can you revamp your website in order to increase sales?

Many shoppers still enjoy the “touch and feel” qualities of shopping at physical store locations. However, this doesn’t prevent them from online window shopping. The more user-friendly your company website is, the more sales you’re bound to generate – both online and offline.

On, Nate Kristy suggests that you make it easy for customers to contact you by adding a simple contact form to your website. “A mobile friendly form can be submitted anytime, from anywhere, and provide your visitors an alternative to calling you or having to figure out what to say in an email,” she informs, “Having this form on your site benefits you as a business owner, too.”

On, Annie Pilon agrees that online forms are important ways to grow customer bases and generate greater sales. “The sales process doesn’t have to be complicated if you have the right tools at your disposal,” she writes, “Online forms can actually be an effective way to nurture leads and make sales.”

How impactful is email marketing?

Creating and utilizing an email list is a hugely productive method of generating increased interest in your brand. Kristy points out that your email newsletters are great ways to not just promote products, but to engage your customers in conversations. This is important because you’ll be able to get direct feedback from the people who are most likely to support your business.

Using this feedback to better your business will help you to boost both sales and overall customer satisfaction. Kristy advises business owners to use their emails to take surveys and polls, schedule service appointments, provide quotes, share feedback, encourage blog subscriptions, offer downloads to valuable content and grow social media followers.

At Synergy Merchants, we’re aware that no matter what marketing strategy a Canadian small business adopts, a significant marketing budget is required in order for it to have a chance of being successful. That’s where we come in. Our merchant cash advance program helps small business owners to get their hands on extra working capital within 24 hours!

For more information about our merchant cash advance program or to speak with one of our licensed funding specialists to get a free, no obligation quote, simply call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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