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Slashing Stress From Your Workday

It’s the first day after a long weekend, and many people have head in to work today with the feeling that they wish the weekend could have been just a bit longer. You ever notice how the longer the time off you have from work, the shorter it feels? Well, this is likely because you’re not particularly happy in the workplace.

Last week, we discussed how many workers have to contend with their “office egos” when they do not feel valued at their jobs. Elizabeth Scott is a stress management specialist who recently contributed a piece to to help workers cope with stressful situations at work.

She reveals that work stress can result in significant health problems. Everything from the common cold to heart disease can be related to the onset of stress. Scott offers up a number of tips on how one can alleviate the pressures of the workplace. Utilizing the following stress management techniques can not only improve your job performance, but your health as well.

Scott’s first tip is to “start your day off right”. Many people begin their work days off in a stressful manner. So it’s no wonder that that the work day becomes one filled with anxiety. Scott writes that many people rush to work in traffic not giving themselves enough time to show up on the job in a relaxed manner.

Between dropping kids off at school and getting something to eat, there are a lot of tasks that many people must complete in the morning before getting to work. Not providing yourself with enough time to handle these responsibilities can start your day off on the wrong foot…every day!

Scott insists that you prepare your day properly. Start off with good nutrition and a schedule that will allow you to roll into work on time and anxiety-free. It also important to “be clear on requirements”, says Scott. She notes that some employees are not sure of what is required of them.

As a result, they end up “falling into the trap” of not knowing if their work is adequate or acceptable. She advises that you have a talk with your supervisor to discuss expectations and strategies for meeting them. This clarification can, in fact, relieve stress for the both of you!

“Stay away from conflict,” writes Scott. Conflict at work can take a toll on both your physical and emotional health. She strongly recommends that you “don’t gossip, don’t share too many of your personal opinions about religion and politics, and try to steer clear of colorful office humor. Try to avoid those people at work who don’t work well with others.”

We’ll take a look at some more of Scott’s stress-reducing strategies in tomorrow’s blog.

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