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Setting Up Your Shop For Its Biggest Black Friday Yet

Black Friday is fast approaching! On November 26, retailers all over Canada and the United States will be enjoying their busiest shopping day of the year. The day, which comes after American Thanksgiving every year, is one when holiday shoppers take advantage of significant discounts. But what can you do to ensure that consumers come to your store to do their holiday shopping on Black Friday?

Let’s take a look at how you can set up your shop for its biggest Black Friday yet!

Personalize your emails.

Making use of your email list is a no-brainer in the world of advertising. It only makes sense to send out e-newsletters to your subscribers in order to inform them all about your Black Friday discounts. However, it’s wise to remember that your customers will be receiving emails from other retailers too. What will make your email stand out? According to Seray Keskin on, it all comes down to your subject line.

She details how clothing retailer, Chubbies sent out an email to their subscribers claiming that Black Friday had been cancelled. “Black Friday is CANCELLED” read the subject line. This compelled Keskin to open her email only to find out that it was a joke. The humorous approach to promoting their Black Friday sale helped Chubbies to have a much higher open rate for their emails.

Create urgency.

This is a marketing tactic that works wonders in the world of e-commerce. Messages such as “Only four left in stock” or “Sale ends today” encourage online shoppers to click the “Buy Now” button instead of holding off until later. On, Angie V. reveals that entrepreneur, Marcus Taylor implemented this marketing strategy and his sales skyrocketed by a massive 332%!

“There are several ways to create urgency for Black Friday campaigns,” she points out, “Launch a flash sale. Flash sales are discounts and deals that last for a short time, typically between a few hours up to a day. To urge shoppers to buy, highlight the start and end times and display a countdown timer on the website.”

Design website popups.

In many cases, website visitors dislike popups. They tend to find them distracting. However, when it comes to saving money, a popup can be a savvy shopper’s best friend. There’s no question that you should be utilizing the internet to promote your Black Friday sale. Your website needs to provide constant reminders about it. As Keskin points out, popups serve many purposes.

“Whether you want to guide visitors to your best Black Friday offers, reduce cart abandonment, or give information about your delivery times, you can create a popup for each purpose and schedule them in advance,” she informs, “Shoppers have too many options and little patience on Black Friday. Make sure to convey your most important messages to the right people at the right time with multiple well-targeted popups.”

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