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Looking Towards Brighter Days For Your Business

We’re all dealing with tough times, at the moment. At Synergy Merchants, we’re doing our best to continue to meet client needs while doing our due diligence in keeping our staff safe. The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly impacted Canadian businesses in ways that no one ever imagined. At present, many businesses are closed and not generating any revenue in their physical stores.

We’d like to remind you, however, that brighter days are ahead. If we all work together to help flatten the curve of COVID-19 cases in our country, we’ll be on the path to normalcy sooner than later. In the meantime, it’s vital we all practice social distancing, hand washing, sanitizing and staying at home as much as possible. There’s one more thing we should all be doing. And that’s staying positive as we look towards the future!

Do you wish to renovate your place of business?

Although now is certainly not the time to undertake any renovations, looking forward to the day when you can give your store a facelift should motivate you. Newly renovated stores often attract a lot of attention. Many store owners choose to renovate their shops in efforts to open up space, create better product displays and increase lighting. Peter Fuhrmann of Furhmann Construction Inc. points out that renovated stores often encourage more customer visits.

“Apart from excellent customer service, another way to draw more customers is by having a contemporary, inviting office space,” he writes on his website, “Renovated space peaks the interest of local people. That new eye catching look is your ticket to more clients. On the other hand, you get to impress your existing clientele who get to recommend you to other possible new clients. It also provides an additional promotional opportunity because having renovated space to talk about provides a basis for a new advertising platform.”

Do you wish to open a new location?

Small business owners who are experiencing a lot of success tend to expand upon their good fortune by opening up shop in different locations. If you’re looking to open a new location, you’re bound to attract attention in an area you otherwise may have never received support from. It’s important, of course, to do your research about the area you plan on opening up a new store within. One big time benefit of opening up a new location is increased media attention.

“In most areas, a new store concept is a major event, justifying media attention,” writes Solomon Poretsky on, “For example, when Krispy Kreme opened its first location in Sacramento, California, waits exceeded three hours on the store’s opening weekend, and just about every news team in town showed up to film stories. This media attention can help you to increase sales when you first open, making your first 12 to 18 months easier.”

The Synergy Merchants team would love to work with you on making your future days brighter! No matter your future plans, we can help with our unique merchant cash advance program. To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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