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It’s Time To Launch A Big Back To School Event

Here we are in the second week of August. On one hand, it’s a reminder to celebrate that there is still plenty of summer left to enjoy. On the other hand, it’s important to note that the new school year is quickly approaching. As a business owner, that means it’s the right time of year to launch a big back to school event! What are some ways you can attract back to school shoppers?

Create back to school bundles.

One of the greatest ways to help your customers save money is to create product bundles. Bundles offer a win-win solution for your business. Firstly, they help to move along otherwise slow-selling inventory. When you combine some of your less popular items with big sellers, you promote their movement off your shelves. Secondly, by combining products and offering them at reduced prices, you please your customer base. They enjoy greater value with their purchases.

“Back to school bundles attract the busiest of customers,” notes Samantha Bansil on, “This is because they save shoppers money and cut down on the time it takes to find everything they need before the school year begins. The weeks before the first day of school can be hectic. Product bundles free shoppers from the hassle of rushing through a long Back to School shopping list.”

Offer student-only discounts.

Naturally, students are the individuals who are most impacted by back to school season. It is they who need to be given priority when discounting the prices of your company’s goods. As Camilla points out on, students are generally not the richest parts of our society, so they often look for brands that are willing to help them save for the future.

“It would be a bright idea to consider implementing a student-only discount for some period of time that begins from the back to school days,” she writes, “Such a discount would raise awareness of your company and possibly build lasting relationships with customers. You may even combine it with discounted food delivery for double effectiveness.”

Send out a back to school newsletter.

Keep in mind that the best marketing strategies don’t necessarily have blatant marketing at their forefront. Send out an email newsletter that simply wishes your subscribers a happy return to the school season. Highlight some of your favourite teachers. Offer parents your sincere support, knowing that the upcoming months can be hectic ones for them. Of course, place a link in your email directing people to your online store that features your back to school offerings.

“Email marketing can play a huge role in your overall Back to School marketing strategy,” agrees Bansil, “Consider sending a special Back to School newsletter with sneak peaks, product recommendations, promo codes, and more. Back to School newsletters can help you bring value to potential customers and reactivate one-time shoppers. Use them to build lasting customer relationships this Back to School season.”

Need some financial help to launch your back to school sale?

Synergy Merchants’ unique merchant cash advance program enables all types of business owners to get their hands on funding in less than 24 hours! To learn more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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