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It’s Not Too Early To Prepare For The Holiday Shopping Season

Halloween arrives this Saturday. And, for retailers, all over Canada, that means the holiday season begins on Sunday! Generally speaking, once the black and orange décor comes down, the green and red variety immediately replaces it. For business owners looking to cash in on the always-busy holiday shopping season, it’s really never too early to begin preparations for it. And, this year, is certainly no exception.

COVID-19 has changed the game.

The pandemic has made it even more important for Canadian retailers to start promoting their stores as go-to shopping destinations earlier than ever. As the writing team of Leticia Miranda, Jo Ling Kent and Ezra Kaplan highlight on, “the coronavirus has roiled the retail industry over the last six months, pushing companies to rethink the traditional timeline for holiday shopping.”

The trio points out that with the pandemic still a threat, more people are shopping online. As a result, retailers must find ways to spread out online orders over the holiday season. That way, they won’t overwhelm their supply chains. It’s also necessary for retailers to find ways to move inventory that has been piling up since the pandemic started.

Retailers in the Maritimes are already preparing for the holidays.

Heidi Petracek and Allan April of CTV News report that many store owners on Canada’s east coast are all geared up for holiday shoppers. Debbie Morgan is one such business owner. The co-owner of Halifax’s Thornbloom, a bed linens and home décor store, says she plans on hosting private shopping parties for COVID-cautious shoppers.

“We heard from our customers that there was a need to get Christmas shopping out of the way a little earlier than typical, because people were a little bit fearful of the crowds that may develop,” Morgan told CTV.

Naturally, another good reason to prepare your store for the holiday season is because COVID-19 has likely slowed your sales for months. Darren Corning is the owner of Brain Candy Toys in Bedford, Nova Scotia. He points out that the second wave of the coronavirus could affect global manufacturers and how much product he can get for his shelves. Therefore, getting people into the holiday spirit early will be important in moving his already-shelved product.

“We’ve actually had a lot of people in doing some Christmas shopping, and they’re smart to do so,” Corning is quoted as saying, “Just because our guys have kept us safe in a nice bubble here, doesn’t mean that where their products are coming from could be a different story.”

It’s important to consider a variety of ways to advertise your store.

Naturally, there are numerous ways to plug your brand over the weeks to come. But never let it be lost on you that early holiday shoppers are also savvy bargain hunters. Promoting your discounts is an important way to attract those who are looking to get a jumpstart on their gift purchases.

“Offer special discounts to your best or most loyal customers on the things they buy the most,” encourages Carolyn Higgins on, “Offering deals they can’t refuse on the things they buy the most is a great way to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or Happy Kwanzaa to your most loyal customers!”

Need some help getting your holiday marketing plans off the ground?

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