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Is It Time To Renovate Your Place Of Business?
With the pandemic having wreaked havoc on your business for the past 16 months or so, you’re likely excited about the months to come. With safety restrictions lifting, you’re bound to welcome more customers to your store. However, it’s important to not simply rest on your laurels. Your place of business isn’t going to be packed simply because it is open again. What will you do to entice customers to not just visit your store, but spend their money there?
Is it time to renovate? Renovating your business can work wonders in the world of customer acquisition. If you’ve gone a long time without sprucing up the look of your store, you may actually be turning customers away.
Attract more customers with a fresh look.
Do you want to communicate to your target audience that your business is thriving? There are far worse ways to go about doing that than to change up the look of your store. By giving it a fresh new look and feel, you communicate to the public that your brand is forward-moving, innovative and fun. People will want to visit just to see what the new digs look like. As Furhmann Construction notes, renovated space peaks the interest of local people.
“That new eye catching look is your ticket to more clients,” insists their website, “On the other hand, you get to impress your existing clientele who get to recommend you to other possible new clients. It also provides an additional promotional opportunity because having renovated space to talk about provides a basis for a new advertising platform.”
Generate higher sales with a better utilized floor plan.
How good are you utilizing the space you have? With a renovation, you can open up your floor a bit more to encourage better foot traffic. Perhaps you need to rethink your product displays. On, Kim Perkins points out that the most common reason retailers remodel their places of business is to better utilize the existing space.
“Perhaps you are looking to update your brand, make space for new merchandise, widen your aisles to accommodate more customers during busy shopping times, or simply refresh old, tired flooring and fixtures,” she writes, “Whatever the reason, advance planning, including a written plan and timeline, can help you avoid unforeseen costs and time delays.”
Boost employee performance with an energized work space.
Never underestimate the importance of employee morale. When your workers are excited and energized to come into work every day, you can pretty much guarantee that they will be productive. Furthermore, happy employees breed happy customers. When your team members greet your store’s visitors with exuberance and smiles, it makes for an inviting environment people will want to come back to.
So how does renovating your store boost employee performance? “A renovation is successful when it makes work easier and more enjoyable,” says Furhmann Construction, “Colour and design inspire new ideas and increase enthusiasm. Work areas are designed to increase the functionality of space while break meal spaces should allow employees to relax to rejuvenate them for a more productive afternoon.”
Are you ready to renovate your store?
Please don’t hesitate to contact Synergy Merchants to learn about how our unique merchant cash advance program can fund your business within 24 hours! Call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!