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Is A Merchant Cash Advance Right For You?

For many Canadian business owners, going to the bank to secure a loan has ended up in disaster. When your application for business financing is turned down, it can put a huge strain on the business. What do I do now? How am I supposed to renovate? Or advertise? Or expand?

At Synergy Merchants, we’re happy to have been able to provide Canadian business owners with an alternative funding source for well over a decade. Without the strict guidelines imposed by banks, merchant cash advance program enables entrepreneurs to fulfill their dreams for business growth. Is a merchant cash advance right for you? Consider the following.

You don’t have to worry about a ton of paperwork.

Business loan applications require a lot of paperwork. Among the many details required are things like your bank statements, a credit report, monthly earnings statements and a business proposal. With a merchant cash advance, the opposite is true. All that is required is a few statements showing your monthly credit card and debit card sales. The application process is usually over within 24 hours and there is almost no paperwork at all!

As Larry Baker and Charlie Tribbett point out on, “the process of gathering supporting documents, faxing them to a loan officer and waiting for the officer to process the documents and respond — even in the best-case scenario, with beneficial loan terms, and in the worst case, with a rejection — can take months. That’s time which cash-strapped business owners don’t have.”

With a merchant cash advance, you work with industry experts.

Our team isn’t just adept at business financing. We know the ins and outs of how small businesses work. It isn’t just our job to fund your business. We make it a point to assist you along the way with friendly advice. It is totally your choice what to do with your money. Remember, the money is yours to do with as you please. It isn’t a loan. It’s payment for your future credit card and debit card sales. But we remain available to assist you any time!

“Alternative finance lenders tend to be much closer to the marketplace than the banks, many of which have pulled back from the traditional model of employing managers with close links to their local business communities in favour of greater automation,” says the U.K.’s Close Brothers, “The advisers employed by many alternative lenders are industry specialists, while in the case of crowdfunding, businesses have a direct connection with each individual lender.”

You don’t have to wait long at all.

As mentioned, a business loan application process can take months. With a merchant cash advance, it can take hours. If you don’t have time to sit around and wait for the cash you need to grow your business, a merchant cash advance is definitely for you. At Synergy Merchants, we tend to process merchant cash advance applications in as little as 24 hours. In fact, we’ve often offered same-day funding!

Synergy Merchants’ unique merchant cash advance program enables all types of business owners to get their hands on much-needed extra working capital. Regardless of your credit history or length of time in business, you can be approved in less than 24 hours! For more information, please don’t hesitate to call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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