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How To Show Your Customers Some Love Ahead Of Valentine’s Day

We’re just three short days away from Valentine’s Day. It is definitely not too late to let your customers know that you love them. The past year has been especially tough on your business. The people who have supported it during the pandemic deserve to be shown that you appreciate them. With the special celebration of love coming up this Sunday, utilize the next few days to reach out to those who mean the most to your business.

Deliver Valentine’s Day coupons.

There are few ways better than offering significant savings to show your customers some love. Naturally, people are looking for Valentine’s Day gifts and would love to locate worthy bargains. But, even for those who aren’t shopping for the special celebration, enjoying some savings can help brighten their weekend. Email your list of subscribers with digital Valentine’s Day coupons that can be used towards purchases made in both your online and physical store this weekend.

“You know how couples often create Valentine’s Day IOUs for back rubs and date nights?” asks Elizabeth Kraus on, “Create your own Valentine’s Day IOUs in the form of bounce back offers distributed at the point of sale, via email and social media redeemable for a gift with purchase, discount or add on the next time they buy from your business.”

Write handwritten “thank you” notes.

In today’s era of texts, tweets and emails, handwritten notes are rarities. That’s why it would mean a lot to those who receive such notes from you. Taking the time and energy to write out your show of gratitude, respect and admiration will go a long way in securing long-term loyalty from the customers who receive your kind messages. As Burke Alder points out on, a handwritten note goes a long way because it takes time, energy, and deliberateness. He suggests writing such notes to customers all year long.

“Take the time to thank your customers for their business,” he advises, “Wish them happy birthday. Congratulate them on milestones in their careers or career changes to a new company. Do it with real, ink-on-paper, hand-written words. And maybe throw in some cookies or flowers while you’re at it.”

Double up on the rewards points this weekend.

Do you have a loyalty program in your store? If not, this would be a great time to launch one. If you do, why not offer double the rewards all weekend long? As Kraus recommends, retailers should either double loyalty points or rewards for all purchases or double up rewards or points when customers purchase specific products or services in February.

“Extend a special offer such as a free or reduced-price add on, gift with purchase or another incentive to your best customers or loyalty reward members,” she suggests, “Send a Valentine to your most loyal customers by mail or email.”

How can Synergy Merchants help you to show your customers some love ahead of Valentine’s Day? Call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at to learn about how our unique merchant cash advance program can quickly fund your business needs. You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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