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How To Show Your Employees Some Love Ahead Of Valentine’s Day

In today’s pandemic-burdened world, many workers have it tough. Essential workers, of course, have been working all throughout the pandemic. The Synergy Merchants team would like to take this opportunity to send our sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to all of those who have put their own health at risk to provide the rest of society with what it needs. Your contributions to our lives are incomparable.

As an employer, how do you show your employees you appreciate them? You could argue that, with Valentine’s Day approaching, there’s no better time than now to come up with ways to show your workers some love. Especially because of the tough time we’re all currently enduring, your display of gratitude and respect will mean more than ever.

Hand out appreciation trophies.

You’re bound to have a ton of sports fans in your team of employees. Even the non-sports fans are likely to appreciate the gesture of a championship trophy. If you’re still working directly with your team in person, consider offering up a gift of some kind – a trophy is just one idea – to show its members how highly you think of them.

“In professional sports, the grand champion trophies travel from one year’s winner to the next,” explains Sam Campbell on the When I Work Blog, “Create a trophy of sorts (an actual trophy, or something more humorous) that is recognized as a symbol of staff appreciation, and pass it around the workplace to staff members who have accomplished something good.”

Set up a Zoom meeting to say “thanks”.

In the likelihood that you have employees working from home, it’s important to not bypass the importance of the face-to-face encounter. Sure, you could always send an email or make a direct phone call to say thank you. However, as we continue to battle COVID-19, reaching out through video conferences is an important way of growing and developing relationships. This week, set up some Zoom meetings with employees who are working from home and show a little love.

“Try thanking an employee in person or in real-time over a call or Zoom meeting, rather than through email or instant message,” encourages, “The gesture is more personal and will be a nice surprise.”

Spread your love on social media.

Most people genuinely appreciate receiving personal shows of thanks. However, when a show of gratitude goes public, it speaks to just how much the recipient is appreciated. Needless to say, social media are all the rage. Utilize your company (and your personal) social media accounts to show your employees some love. Highlight jobs well done or simply praise your team in posts to your Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts this week.

“Show you appreciate your staff by extending it beyond in-house recognition,” advises Campbell, “Let your customers know through signage or on social media. Take a photo, talk about how much you appreciate what your staff did, and how they earned this award.”

How can Synergy Merchants help you to show your employees some love ahead of Valentine’s Day? Call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at to learn about how our unique merchant cash advance program can quickly fund your business needs. You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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