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How To Get Quick Cash To Boost Your Holiday Success

As of today, there are seven weeks to go until Christmas Eve is here! That gives you seven full weeks to promote your business as the ideal one for holiday shoppers to resolve their gift-locating needs. This is the time of year, of course, when competition is at its fiercest. Retailers from all industries are vying for the attention of consumers with dazzling marketing campaigns, knowing that this is the busiest shopping season of the year.

For many small businesses, a “dazzling” marketing campaign isn’t possible.

At least, this is what they think. The assumption is that the funding necessary to afford a strong advertising push isn’t attainable from banks. If this is your thinking, you’re not wrong. Many a Canadian business owner is often denied by his/her local bank’s loan officer.

How can Synergy Merchants help you to get quick cash? Our unique merchant cash advance program has an application process that is void of all the different criteria that banks use to deny their applicants. Firstly, to apply for a merchant cash advance, the filling out of a long and confusing application form is unnecessary. With minimal paperwork, we’re able to approve business owners and even fund them within a 24 hour span!

One of the best aspects about our program is that it requires no collateral.

This means that none of your property is at risk the way it is when you get approved for a bank loan. In our recent “How A Lack Of Collateral Can Impact Your Business” blog, we go into further detail about how much collateral – or a lack thereof – can affect a Canadian business owner’s ability to be approved for business funding the traditional way.

To quote ourselves: “Collateral is generally a form of property, such as your home, company vehicle, equipment or merchandise that you can put on the line in the event you default on a loan. It’s a bank’s security blanket, so to speak. To put it in rhyme: if you can’t pay, they can take your collateral away!”

Our program also requires no credit checks.

If you have a low credit score due to issues making payments to previous lenders, your chances of getting an approved business loan are very low. Getting approved for a merchant cash advance, on the other hand, comes without there being any credit check at all!

As Catherine Way of Payments Journal explains, most banks and credit unions require good or excellent credit scores in order to fund any small business loans. “With a merchant cash advance bad credit won’t get in the way of whether you can get an advance, which is a big benefit for many small business owners,” she writes, “Unlike banks and credit unions, merchant cash advances do not require a credit check in order to apply!

A merchant cash advance is an advance on your credit and debit sales.

Synergy Merchants pays an upfront sum of cash in exchange for a small percentage of your future credit and debit card sales. There are no credit checks or collateral requirements as the purchase of future sales is based on the capital of your business.

For more information about our unique merchant cash advance program, please don’t hesitate to call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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