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Get The Early Jump On Preparing Your Store For The Holiday Rush

We know. Halloween hasn’t even arrived yet. However, every retailer is aware that the day after Halloween is practically the beginning of the holiday shopping season. As soon as October flips over into November, stores and malls everywhere will make the transition from orange and black to green and red. With Halloween less than two weeks away, the time is now to prepare your store for the holiday rush!

Revamp your e-commerce site.

Never let it be lost on you that online shopping is extremely popular. In fact, for many holiday shoppers, surfing the internet will completely replace their visits to the mall. It’s vital that your online shop screams “Do your holiday shopping here!” Update it with holiday imagery and make clear your discounts and sales events.

“From product details and photography to shipping information, now is the time to make sure your e-commerce site is up to date,” alerts, “Video is also increasingly effective, with Meta’s holiday marketing guide reporting that 55% of shoppers were inspired to buy gifts based on online videos…Finally, verify that your e-commerce site is easy to navigate. Make sure the journey from discovery to checkout is straightforward and seamless.”

Plan and communicate your store’s holiday hours.

Holidays shoppers will demand convenience in the weeks to come. It will be very important for them to know your store’s operating hours so that they are not inconvenienced by closed doors when they visit. Many businesses choose to expand their hours during the holidays for the obvious reason of giving holiday shoppers more opportunities to spend money in their stores.

According to The Global Display Solution, Black Friday shopping week is an excellent place to start. “Many stores begin to push products and stay open later, starting even at the beginning of the week,” says their website, “Some businesses will even expand their hours during the entire holiday season. To compete with other businesses around you, you want to choose your expanded store hours now so that you can plan around this new schedule.”

Offer memorable holiday experiences.

Don’t forget that the majority of consumers highly value their interactions with the brands they support. More important than the quality of your products is your customer service. By offering up memorable experiences in your store, you’ll not just boost holiday sales but encourage repeat business. advises store owners to charm customers this holiday season by utilizing visual merchandise to create striking seasonal displays.

“A seasonal display indicates to customers that your store is a destination for holiday shopping, and it can entice new customers to walk through the door,” reads the site, “Today’s customers are eager for unique experiences when shopping, and creating a holiday display can be an opportunity to increase the time they spend in your store—and encourage them to refer your business to friends.”

Apply for a merchant cash advance.

Synergy Merchants’ unique merchant cash advance program makes it easy for retailers to afford their forthcoming holiday marketing campaigns. Regardless of your credit history or length of time in business, you can be approved in less than 24 hours! For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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