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Execute Excellent Etiquette At Work

In yesterday’s blog, we touched upon the topic of rudeness in the business place, and how badly in can affect a company’s bottom line. The Toronto Star‘s Lesley Ciarula Taylor commented on this issue in an article published by the paper yesterday, indicating that when customers witness any type of rudeness in a store, it is very likely to cause them to no longer shop there.

It should go without saying that rude employees do not make for a well-respected company. But it’s important to note that even when employees are displaying rudeness towards each other, customers may still take offence. Taylor notes that a recent study published by the Journal of Service Research confirms this.

She writes that the research found that “a staggering 92 per cent of customers who see rudeness in a store, restaurant or service industry will tell their friends and family…And most of those people said they would stop shopping at a store or eating at a restaurant as a result.”

The types of business where rudeness was most commonly noticed was restaurants. Gyms were the least likely place of business where one would experience rudeness. Taylor notes that the study also found that even when customers overhear back room arguments, they are likely to think less of the company.

Christine Porath teaches at Georgetown University. Her own research has found that customer dissatisfaction has been growing over the past decade or so. And a lot this unfortunate trend revolves around witnessing employee rudeness. Some of it has to do with the way they treat customers, and some of it has to do with how the employees treat each other.

Said Porath: “I don’t think people realize sometimes how they come across…People claim it’s the worst in academia. Attorneys have a reputation for it. The entertainment industry is just brutal.” Evidently, much change is needed in industries that involve dealing with the public.

Taylor notes that the researchers in her article suggest that companies develop programs that better train their employees in managing civility. Getting along with co-workers and being able to treat customers with respect is of prime importance. Remember, it’s all about the customer experience. Better make it a good one!

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