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CRFA Meets With The PM

As we have proudly mentioned numerous times before, Synergy Merchant Services is a member of the Canadian Restaurant and Foodservices Association. As their website describes, “CRFA is one of Canada’s largest business associations, with 33,000 members representing restaurants, bars, caterers, institutions and other foodservice providers. CRFA works to create an environment that allows foodservice operators in communities across Canada to grow and prosper.”

Having worked diligently for years in an effort to represent its members at various levels of parliament, the CRFA recently outdid itself. Going as high as they could on the political ladder to have their voices heard, CRFA Directors and staff members met with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Parliament Hill on the 22nd of October.

In their meeting with the Prime Minister, the CRFA representatives delivered an important message about the foodservice industry. CRFA President and CEO Garth Whyte made sure to inform Harper of the many contributions the food industry has made to the Canadian economy.

As reports, Whyte revealed to the Prime Minister that “restaurants make an important economic and social contribution to Canada (and) are at the heart of every community.”

“The business leaders in this room alone represent a combined $14 billion in sales and 300,000 employees…We’re not here to ask for money. We’re asking for recognition that the restaurant and foodservice industry is a valued industry in Canada,” said Whyte.

The CRFA left quite an impression on the head of our country. It was made abundantly clear that the foodservice business is a leader in the nation’s battle against the recession. A $60-billion industry, it represents one of Canada’s largest employers providing career opportunities to more than a million people from all over the country.

Shortly following the meeting, CRFA Chairman Brenda O’Reilly of St. John’s and First Vice Chairman Gerard Curran of Calgary presented Mr. Harper with a personalized chef’s jacket from CRFA.

The jury is out on whether or not Prime Minister Stephen Harper fancies himself to be a skilled chef. It is clear, however, that he is aware that both restaurants and food suppliers alike help to shape the social fabric of Canada. Between the service, nourishment and jobs it provides, the food industry is integral to the health and success of the nation.

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