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Chile Needs Our Help

With all of the excitement going on with our upcoming CRFA Show this weekend, the Synergy Merchant Services Blog neglected to reflect on the recent 8.8 magnitude earthquake that rocked the South American nation of Chile about a week ago. And while a higher level on the richter scale was reached in Chile than the destructive quake in Haiti just a few weeks earlier, thankfully the death toll is significantly lower.

Recent reports reveal that nearly 300 people were killed in central Chile while numerous buildings, bridges and roads were destroyed. We would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to open up your hearts and your wallets, once again if possible, to provide the much-needed aid to those who are suffering from this disaster.

Canadians more than answered the call to support Haiti in the Caribbean nation’s time of need. We trust that our country will undoubtedly do us proud once again in showing their heartfelt concern and compassion for their fellow human beings in Chile. There are a number of ways that we can all help out.

The Canadian Red Cross is accepting donations on their website, or by calling toll free at 1-800-418-1111. Of course, donations will also be accepted at any local Red Cross office. According to The Toronto Star, so far “ The International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies has contributed $300,000 to Chile from its disaster emergency fund.”

Etobicoke’s GlobalMedic is also accepting donations at their website, They provide emergency relief after natural disasters by supplying technological equipment and training. Your support, of course, is greatly appreciated.

The Star also reports that World Vision will also continuing to do its part to assist with the relief effort in Chile: “World Vision has worked in Chile for 30 years and have more than 100 staff in the country, many living and working in areas close to the quake epicenter. However, given the magnitude of this disaster, World Vision is preparing to deploy additional staff to support the relief response.”

Make no mistake, the damage in Chile is vast. Similar to the earthquake in Haiti, this disaster has caused mass destruction. In fact, the quake triggered a tsunami that even threatened coastlines as far away as Hawaii and Japan, according to Reuters’ Jose Luis Saavedra. He posted comments from Chileans who experienced the earthquake on Reuters’ website.

Said Santiago housewife Dolores Cuevas: “It came in waves and lasted so long. Three minutes is an eternity. We kept worrying that it was getting stronger, like a terrifying Hollywood movie.”

According to 27-year-old Temuco receptionist, Claudia Rosario, “it was like we were being shaken around in a box…But thank God it was just small things (broken). It could have been worse.”

Of course, things will get worse without immediate aid. Thanks in advance Canada for being the humanitarian nation that you are. The world looks to us to be leaders in humanitarian efforts. We know we will not let anyone down.

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