The licensed funding specialists at Synergy Merchants have discussed numerous options with their clients concerning…
Caribbean Carnival Creates Cash
With the Caribbean Carnival Parade (weird to write that instead of “Caribana Parade”) taking place in downtown Toronto tomorrow, it is expected that over a million people will pack Lakeshore Boulevard among the other streets of the city’s downtown core. With that, there will be a lot people spending money on food and accommodations among other things.
Is there any way that your store can take advantage of this huge event? Depending on where you are located in the city, you may want to consider offering passers-by some special deals on requirements for the day. Are you a restaurant owner who could possibly advertise a special “parade day lunch”?
Are you a convenience store owner who may be able to offer a free water bottle to customers who spend more than $20 in your store? There are a bunch of ways that you can get in on the fun. It’s all about being creative. As a business owner, it’s important to always be thinking of ways to draw more customers into your establishment.
From their years of experience, our licensed funding specialists, here at Synergy, know that the more creative a business owner is, the more money he or she makes. Sometimes it can be as simple an idea as placing certain items in a new position. One of our reps recalls a client doing this a year ago.
“Last Caribana,” he recalls, “one of our clients – a store owner – decided to take some of the lawn chairs he was selling and put them out in front of the store. On one chair, he put a case of water, on another he set up some caps and visors and on another he put a sign that read: ‘Caribana Specials Today Only’. Between the drinks and even sunblock he sold at discount prices, he nearly doubled his average daily sales.”
There will be a lot of people partying in the streets of Toronto this weekend. Shouldn’t you be one of them? Even if you can’t physically be on Lakeshore this Saturday, you should be able to party in your store all the same. Think of ways that you can take advantage of all of the extra people who will be out this weekend for the parade.
New signage and special discounts are just the beginning. If you would like to discuss these and other promotional ideas to help boost your business, feel free to give one of our friendly funding specialists a call. As always, they are eager to help Canadian business owners build up their businesses. That’s now that’s worth partying for!