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Canadian Proud Merchant Cash Advance Company

Merchant Cash Advances in Canada are steadily becoming a more popular option for business owners all over Canada with many requests from American companies who unfortunately do not qualify for our program.

As our clients know, Synergy Merchant Services is Canada’s only Merchant Cash Advance company to have relationships with some of the largest Canadian processors. Because we have these relationships exclusively with Canadian processors, we choose to support our Canadian economy exclusively too.

The economy in Canada is on the rise. The strength of the Canadian dollar is looking good and our company is providing an essential justice to the small to medium size business owner by funding the future of your Canadian business.

In many cases, business owners struggle to get the funding they need for their growth initiatives, whether it is expanding, renovating, investing into more inventory or just cash flow. The importance for working capital for business owners has never been more in demand.

The banks unfortunately do not have the ability to be fast and easy. Banks know that short term funding is a risk and they are not always willing to stick their necks out for the small business owner.

Synergy Merchant Services is not just looking for A & B credit score clients. In fact, our qualification process involves reviewing your monthly point of sale merchant processing summaries and ensuring that you are not currently in a bankruptcy.

Merchant Cash Advances do not require collateral which makes it an un-registered advance. Therefore, it is not reported on your credit bureau.
Since business owners are not required to register their advances, this allows them to use the money for any and all uses at their own pace.

No other merchant funding company can say that they focus exclusively on the Canadian market. We work for you Canadians! Maybe it’s a patriotic thing. But the fact is, our economy is first and foremost a priority for us.

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