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Brighter Economic Days On The Horizon

There has been a lot of talk about the economy as of late, and for good reason. As we are all aware, today’s financial climate is in one of the worst shapes it has ever been in. As reported in a number of posts on the Synergy Merchant Services Blog, the negative impact on Canadian businesses and employees has been vast. The number of job losses, it seems, continues to grow.

However, this blog has also reported that several measures are being taken to reverse this trend as quickly as possible. Could such measures, such as The City of Toronto’s opening of new job opportunities, be working already?

In the March 27th, 2009 edition of The Toronto Sun, it was reported that a recent survey shows some promise for Canadian manufacturers and exporters. As indicated by The Canadian Press, the survey of over 700 companies suggests that the decline in the economy may be slowing down.

The survey reveals that only 49% of the companies surveyed expected a decrease in orders between March and June compared to 56% of those surveyed in February. Those seeking employment are beginning to hear better news as well.

According to the report, 13% of the respondents expect to increase staff over the next three months, up from 11% in February. In addition, expected layoffs have lessened over the last month from 45% to 42%.

It is hopeful that this optimistic trend will continue alongside the actualization of a better financial climate in Canada.

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