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3 Thoughtful Ways To Show Thanks To Your Employees

Last week, we acknowledged the forthcoming Thanksgiving holiday by posting a blog that was all about showing thanks to your customers. It’s important, of course, to show your gratitude all year long. After all, what would your business be without your customers? However, it’s just as important to remember another very important group of people who make your business what it is.

Your employees deserve your appreciation on a regular basis! In fact, it’s great for your business to regularly let your staff members know how much they mean to your company. Happy employees are productive employees, as is often said. So, with the Thanksgiving long weekend just about ready to kick off, we thought it wise to discuss a few thoughtful ways to show thanks to your employees.

Here are three:

1. Three words: food, food and food!

Who doesn’t like to eat? Many employees actually believe that, next to money, food is the best compensation they can receive. After all, we all need to eat! And, therefore, we all need to spend money on food. Gifting your staff members with free lunches every so often is a great way to show your appreciation while simultaneously saving them money and filling their bellies. It’s a win-win-win!

“Bring in donuts or have a pizza party at lunch on the company dime,” advises Tyler Butler, founder and CEO of 11Eleven Consulting People on, “People…like to be fed. This type of reward will not only bring your office together (and)…strengthen their interpersonal relationships, but it will also give them all the feeling of being appreciated.”

2. Present personalized gifts.

It’s one thing to pass along an arbitrary present. It’s another thing to offer something that your employees will really enjoy. Finding the right gift means listening to your workers, discovering their likes and dislikes and understanding personal habits of theirs. As Susan M. Heathfield encourages on, you should know your co-worker’s interests well enough to present them with small gifts occasionally.

“An appreciated gift and the gesture of providing it will light up your coworker’s day,” she writes, “A greeting card serves the same purpose. You can give a card for no reason at all, to celebrate a special day such as a birthday, or to offer sympathy when a coworker is ill or experiences a family death.”

3. Use social media to express your gratitude.

How often have you seen the words “social media” appear in our blogs? That’s because everyone is on social media…practically. So if you want to offer some public recognition of your employees, there are few places to do so that are better than your Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts.

“We recognize our employees on their birthdays and service anniversaries on our social channels,” informs Michelle Cardin, marketing director of Shawmut Communications Group on, “Each post will include a photo and something that highlights that employee’s contribution to the organization or an interesting fact that their co-workers and others may not know about them.”

No matter how you choose to thank your employees, you may need some additional funding to afford your efforts. The unique merchant cash advance program offered by Synergy Merchants can get you the business funding you need within 24 hours! For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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