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The Greatest Blog In The World

When Tenacious D first sang “Tribute” in 2002, their heartfelt homage to “the greatest song in the world”, it is likely that no one assumed that it would inspire the Synergy Merchant Services Blog. That’s right…”The Greatest Blog In The World”.

What other blog could possibly deliver with such unabashed articulation and tenacity (sorry Jack Black), posts on the very topic that interests every single human being worldwide – MONEY! We all want money. We all need money. But the Synergy Merchant Services Blog discusses money in a way that no other blog can. It reveals just how YOU can get it!

And if getting money through a merchant cash advance doesn’t interest you, what about the various pieces on the Canadian economy and other important current events? What got you hungrier – for food OR cash – than our mouthwatering articles about the recent CRFA Show? What got you more pumped – to turn up the volume on that radio of yours – than reading about Synergy’s presence on The FAN 590 and Tha O Show?

All brought to you by “The Greatest Blog In The World”!

Interestingly, there is no bigger proponent and supporter of “The Greatest Blog In The World” than Synergy Merchant Services Funding Specialist, Josh Cowan. When asked about the sheer awesomeness of this blog, Josh’s eyes lit up with excitement.

“I don’t have any children yet”, describes Josh, “but I imagine that this is what a proud parent must feel like. Every time our blog gives birth to a new post, I think ‘this is the greatest day of my life!’”

And why wouldn’t it be? Is there a blog that is truly more pleasurable to read? The grammatical brilliance of this blog alone has left many a reader in awe. As many as zero imagine nicer greatness. Think about it. What other blog can come up with a sentence that a.m.a.z.i.n.g.?

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