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3 Highly Effective Online Advertising Techniques

Newsflash: it’s 2018. If you’re not yet utilizing your company website to grow your brand’s recognition, you’re completely out of touch. Sorry if that’s putting it harshly. But, in today’s world, the internet is king. Nearly everything and everyone is online. In many cases, your company’s website will be the first place people find you. If it’s not in tip-top shape, your company will leave a very bad impression.

Here’s hoping your website is a strong one – because that’s only the beginning of how to grow your business. Investing in online advertising techniques is pretty much a must. It’s important to ensure that you’re doing enough to be visible by internet surfers.

Here are three highly effective online advertising techniques:

1. Investing in social media marketing.

Who isn’t on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram these days? Things have certainly changed from the days when television commercials were the go-to ways to advertise a company. Today, businesses are investing in ads that appear specifically in social media feeds. What makes many of these ads unique is that they are created for viewing on mobile devices.

“This is without a doubt one of the advertising strategies on the Internet that has gained more popularity in the past years since practically the entire world has a smartphone or other type of mobile device they regularly connect with,” says Elisabet Parera on, “This causes more and more companies to opt to adapt their advertisements to the fastest growing medium.”

2. Starting a blog and keeping it regularly updated.

You may have noticed that Synergy Merchants has a blog on its website. And we update it no less than twice a week. In addition, we make sure to post links to our blogs on our social media accounts, including Facebook and LinkedIn. By doing so, we keep search engines happy. In other words, when keywords relative to our industry are punched into Google, we give ourselves much greater opportunities to receive high rankings.

It’s wise to hire a professional blogger. After all, you’re likely too busy performing the tasks that are necessary for a business owner to perform. However, it’s important to provide your blogger with clear instructions about what you want your blog to do for you. “Just having a website or blog does not mean you will get traffic, leads, sales,” reminds James Debono on, “You need to be 100% clear on the purpose of your blog before starting.”

3. Advertising on search engines.

You know what will make search engines deliver your website to internet users even more? Paying them to do so! As Parera explains, this type of advertising usually works using a pay per click method. That means that you only pay for each click that is made on your advertisement, which is often in the form of a banner found on a website.

“The main benefit of this type of advertisement is that they enable improving your website’s positioning through paid advertising,” she writes, “This way, for example though SEM techniques, you can advertise your products, services or content through Google’s advertising service, or others. Users will find you more easily since your advertisements will be displayed in the user’s relevant search results.”

How will you afford your next online advertising campaign? Contact Synergy Merchants for information about securing funding through our unique merchant cash advance program. Please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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