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5 Renovation Tips For Small Business Owners

All places of business could use a little revamping every now and again. In many cases, even small physical changes to a shop can elicit excitement in its customers. As time passes, trends evolve and, as a result, it’s important to keep your store looking like its ahead of the curve. Could your small business use some sprucing up?

If you’re considering some renovations for your small business, it’s important to consider a few tips for best results. Here are five renovation tips for small business owners:

1. Focus on building brand recognition.

Renovation efforts should work towards growing your brand image. This involves landing on a solid colour scheme to marry your website images, stationary, letterheads, storefront signs and everything else related to your brand. You may want to paint the walls the same colour as your company logo. By reinforcing your brand image through your renovation work, you will link your company’s physical store location with the mental images in the heads of your clients.

2. Maximize the use of your space.

Could you open up the floor space in your store a little bit? Can you reconfigure the aisles to make products easier to locate? Consider revising your floor plan so you can maximize the space you have. Creating a more customer-friendly environment will go a long way in attracting more customers and boosting your sales. A revamped layout is especially important at the checkout. Can you find a way to make it look less crowded when there are long line ups?

3. Use energy-efficiency features.

Renovations can result in a lot of much-needed cost-cutting. Minimizing energy consumption is a great way to save money moving forward. Because energy costs only continue to rise, all throughout Canada, you may want to rethink the lighting in your store. When remodelling, consider using low energy bulbs. To save energy, you’ll also want to think about installing double-pane windows, automatic bathroom faucets and programmable thermostats.

4. Keep your team in the know.

Your employees deserve to know everything that’s happening with the business. Will the time of the renovation work mean that the store will be closed? If so, when will the store reopen? Will your employees be involved in the renovation process? It’s important to put minds at ease. Fill your team in on everything that’s happening with your store’s rebranding. Keep your customers in the loop as well. Don’t hesitate to show updates on your social media pages.

5. Turn it into a marketing opportunity.

You may be worried about the downtime your company will experience as a result of the renovation process. If it requires shutting your doors to the public for even a few days, your bottom line can suffer. That is, of course, unless you take advantage of the opportunity to host a “Grand Re-opening Sale”. Use your renovations as an opportunity to reintroduce your brand to the public with a big event the day the store is ready to reopen.

If you’re looking to renovate your store, please don’t hesitate to contact Synergy Merchants to learn about how our unique merchant cash advance program can get you some extra working capital within 24 hours! Call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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