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4 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Small Business

We’re exactly one week away from the beginning of spring! That means one more week of winter (although the weather may not necessarily catch up with the calendar). Regardless if it continues to be cold or not outside, it’s definitely the right time of year to heat things up with your business. Another way of putting it would be to say that it’s time to do a little spring cleaning.

Here are four tips for spring cleaning your small business:

1. Refurbish your marketing strategies.

The spring brings about a renewed energy. The eventual warmer weather helps to cure some of the winter blues your customers may be feeling. More importantly, it encourages them to come out of their homes a lot more. Now is the perfect time to concoct a fresh advertising strategy that takes into account that the spring is a time to be celebrated. A new sale, an in-store event or the introducing of a new product line are all worthwhile ideas.

“There (is) an endless supply of marketing activities that you can try, and since it often takes trial and error to create an effective marketing mix, trying new things is a great approach,” says Alyssa Gregory on, “Pick one new marketing activity to try this spring. Then, measure the results and decide if it has earned a permanent place in your marketing plan.”

2. Get to those emails – finally!

How often have you told yourself that you’re going to finally get to all of those unanswered emails? The truth is that you simply have too much on your plate to handle them all. However, a big part of your company’s spring cleaning routine should be to clean out that inbox of yours. It could meaning the gaining of a lot of new business.

“If the whole thing is simply too overwhelming, or you know that your brain just isn’t naturally that strong at implementing complex organizational systems, hire someone to do it for you,” recommends

3. Reassess your cash flow.

Tax time is here. It’s the opportune time to take a much closer look at how much money you have coming into your small business and how much money is going out. Tighten things up and reassess the cash flow of your business. Do you usually have enough cash on hand when you need it? Is your bookkeeper adequately managing your earnings and expenses?

“Since business taxes are due in the spring, this is an especially good time to sit down with your financial professionals and get up close and personal with your cash flow,” writes Gregory, “It’s also a great time to figure out what you could be doing on a regular basis to improve your cash flow and fine-tune your small business budget (or create one, if you don’t have one!).”

4. Freshen up your website and social media accounts.

In today’s business world, almost nothing looks worse than an outdated website. When was your last blog posted? How long ago was your profile picture taken? It’s important to keep things fresh if you want to encourage a growing number of visitors to your site and social media pages. “Go through and take stock of what your online presence is like,” insists, “Is your brand being represented as effectively as possible?”

Need some help affording your spring cleaning process? Please don’t hesitate to call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at and ask about how our unique merchant cash advance program can help you!

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