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4 More Small Business Marketing Ideas For A Bright Spring

With March now underway, Canadians are getting prepared for the start of the spring season. As we alerted in our last blog, it officially begins on March 20. That blog also highlighted some effective marketing ideas to get your store spring-ready. They included hosting a spring cleaning event, holding spring-themed contests and tying in tax season to your promotions.

Here are four more small business marketing ideas for a bright spring:

1. Promote an outdoor event.

With COVID-19 having wreaked havoc on our lives over the past two years, this spring will be a time when people will absolutely love to get outdoors. While it’s important to continue to practice safety measures, an outdoor event held by your company is sure to attract some attention. Make use of the forthcoming warm weather by planning an event that will offer consumers special experiences and savings.

“Since it’s finally warming up,” Starry Night Consulting LLC reminds us, “if you have a physical location or do anything publicly, use this opportunity to announce that the end of winter means the end of hiding indoors away from the cold, and then promote your next outdoor event (and decorate it with bright flowers). ‘We’re finally coming out from under our winter blankets. We know you can do it too. Our 25% Off Spring Sale will be as cozy as those warm blankets.’”

2. Acknowledge all of spring’s special occasions.

The spring season gives you the opportunity to launch a variety of sales events and promotions surrounding special occasions. In the month of March, daylight saving time begins and St. Patrick’s Day soon follows. April Fool’s Day kicks off next month which is full of faith-based holidays. Easter, Passover and Ramadan all take place in April. Mother’s Day and Victoria Day follow in May, along with Father’s Day in June.

As Kaitlyn Hammond points out on, one great strategy to market your brand is to tie it to a well known event. “To attract clientele to your retail location, consider putting on a holiday-inspired event inside your store,” she suggests, “If your business is family-friendly, you can advertise an Easter celebration with a bunny, an egg scavenger hunt and other child-centered activities.”

3. Celebrate Earth Day.

We left one out! This year, Earth Day falls on Friday, April 22. The annual event started in 1970 as a demonstration of support for environmental protection. Earth Day includes a wide range of events coordinated globally by By acknowledging this eco-friendly occasion, your brand will garner both attention and admiration from people who are environmentally-conscious.

“Sponsor a local park clean-up day, or have people drop off things like boxes from their own spring cleaning at your business with an incentive from you for doing so,” suggests Starry Night Consulting LLC, “Even show off your employees planting a tree or cleaning up a park if you don’t want to bring customers into it. Not everything needs to be (or should be) always sales-focused.”

4. Secure a merchant cash advance.

Synergy Merchants’ unique merchant cash advance program enables all types of business owners to get their hands on much-needed funding. Regardless of your credit history or length of time in business, you can be approved in less than 24 hours! For more information, please don’t hesitate to call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!

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