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3 Ways That Advertising Can Help To Grow Your Business
Canadian business owners who have utilized Synergy Merchants’ quick and easy merchant cash advance program use their financing for a variety of different reasons. Some choose to renovate their stores while others decide to purchase large amounts of new inventory. Many others decide that it’s time to advertise their businesses in ways that will increase their customer bases. It’s no secret that a strong advertising campaign can help a business to grow.
Here are three ways that advertising can help to grow your business:
1. It reminds consumers of your existence. Needless to say, there is a lot of competition out there. Your customers have options. Without regular reminders that your company provides one of their better options, they’re not likely to support it. As Christina Hamlett explains on, an ongoing advertising campaign is necessary to remind your customers that your company is still operating.
“In a troubled economy where so many shops, restaurants and companies are going out of business, maintaining a strong presence through regular ads, fliers, postcards, events and a dynamic website is invaluable for long-term relationships,” she writes, “This also serves to attract new customers who may not have been in need of your products or services when you first opened but are now pleased to have their memories jogged.”
2. It promotes long-term awareness of your brand. Consider the fact that your advertisements should have long-term goals. They shouldn’t be designed to simply advertise one product or one sale. Strong ads are the ones that communicate that a brand can be relied upon for their products and services well into the future. They should promote a brand image that says “we’re here whenever you need us.”
As John Jantsch puts it on, “advertising amplifies everything else you’re doing – When you are using advertising to create awareness for your content you automatically create more awareness for everything you are doing. Journalists find companies that advertise, referral sources remember companies that advertise, people fan and follow and friend from ads, and employees can point to well-placed ads as a source of pride in place they work.”
3. It encourages shoppers who are slow to act. All of us are guilty of saying that we need to buy something of importance but just can’t find the time to go out to shop for it. Not everyone is in the mood to shop on a regular basis. Your advertisement provides the encouragement that certain shoppers need. If someone is in the market for a new blender and your store just happens to be having a sale on blenders next week, your advertisement will help to secure that sale.
“People often take their time when buying,” agrees Tom Egelhoff on, “I often use a laptop when I travel and the time is coming for a new one. So I’ll be shopping for that. Am I going out to buy it tomorrow? Probably not. I’ll start watching the ads studying the available brands and assembling the features I need. I may not make the purchase for several months but when I do I will probably have a dealer in mind and they will get a shot at my business.”
As you know, all businesses need money in order to advertise. Since 2007, Synergy Merchants has helped small to medium sized business owners secure the financing they need for their advertising campaigns. For more information on our quick and easy merchant cash advance program, or to get your free, no obligation quote, give us a call at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at!