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3 Smart Ways To Expand Your Small Business

Not every business owner is content with the size of his or her business. Many understand that “starting off small” is simply a part of doing business. One must get his or her proverbial feet wet before being able to grow a small business into a major enterprise. Even if owning a big time organization isn’t in the plans, all small business owners relish the thoughts of growing their companies into greater successes than when they started.

So what are the best ways to expand a small business? Here are three smart ways:

1. Increase the size of your staff with highly-skilled workers. It’s fair to say that your company will only be as strong and successful as its employees allow it to be. It’s important to hire talented staff members who not only share your vision for making your brand a bigger success, but who possess the necessary skills to help your company to succeed. Growing your business through the building of its staff is a hugely important undertaking.

This is clearly communicated by Jeanette LeBlanc on “Growing beyond solo-preneurship is a big step,” she admits, “But if you talk to others who have grown their small business to include employees, contractors or freelancers you’ll soon learn just how vital the right people are in making your expansion dreams a reality.”

2. Partner with another business. Amalgamating companies is a popular way to turn small businesses into bigger deals. It not only helps you to pool your resources, but it gives you access to much wider customer bases. This is especially true if you partner with a business that offers products and services that you do not. The newfound partnership can help you to collect a stronghold over an entirely new market.

“You form an alliance because the potential partner has the client base you want access to, and you’re taking something new to the potential alliance partner,” explains Ken Micallef on, “When you put the two companies together, you offer one-stop shopping. Look at how the banks have diversified by offering clients every banking service known to man. If you have excellent service delivery, look for a company that has excellent client acquisition or marketing.”

3. Create a marketing campaign that highlights what sets you apart from your competitors. In today’s business world, it’s not just important to be great. It’s important to be different. Your customer base is well aware that it has options. But what separates you from your competitors? And, perhaps more importantly, what are you doing to communicate to the buying public that your brand is special?

LeBlanc insists that you focus on “the one thing that you bring to the table that others do not”. “If you make the most amazing widgets on the planet, then do just that,” she advises, “As many things as you may feel like you should/could/would do in a perfect world (where time was unlimited and sleep was not required), what you NEED to do is keep making your widgets better and better and better.”

As you can imagine, each of the above mentioned methods of business expansion will require financing to get your plans off the ground. Synergy Merchants can help you with that! For more information on our merchant cash advance program or to speak with one of our licensed funding specialists to get a free, no obligation quote, simply call Synergy Merchants at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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