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3 More Top Tips For Treating Your Customers Like Loved Ones

With Halloween almost here, the Synergy Merchants team is in the “treating” spirit. We’re not talking about handing out candy to youngsters on the 31st. We’re referring to the treatment of your customers. In our last blog, we suggested some ways you can treat your customers with the sweetness they deserve.

Here are three more top tips for treating your customers like loved ones:

1. Practice honesty as your best policy.

We all know the saying. But do we practice it? Believe it or not, it pays to show your vulnerability. If you’ve made a mistake, it’s wise to own up to it. Consumers will appreciate your honesty. The key, of course, is to take immediate measures to remedy unfortunate situations. Making excuses and attempting to cover up mishaps, on the other hand, will give customers the impression that your company can’t be trusted.

“I get accused of being too honest, but I’ve made it a fundamental tenet of our business,” reports Mark Savinson of Strategy to Revenue on, “Clients may not like the truth, they may not have the budget or resources to tackle the whole truth, but telling the truth enables you to work with them to make the best decisions and find the best outcomes, based on their resources and priorities.”

2. Immediately address customer complaints.

Try not to see complaints as a bad thing. Instead, recognize them as opportunities to show your customers just how much you’re willing to satisfy them. By quickly addressing customer complaints, you help to grow trust in your brand. As Kseniya Dobrovolsky of Pepperland Marketing contends, providing solutions to your customers that most aligns with their goals goes a long way.

“Start by creating content to help people understand how to succeed while using your product or service,” she advises, “Composing an e-mail after their purchase, providing user guides or a quick how-to video can be a quick solution to any customer dissatisfaction. If the solution needs to be more personalized, keep that line of communication between you and your customer open.”

3. Write handwritten notes.

This is a tried and true tactic that we can’t help but advocate. In today’s world, it’s extremely easy to send off a text message or e-mail. It takes almost no time and effort to do. A handwritten note, on the other hand, showcases your willingness to put time and effort into a genuine show of appreciation. In many cases, it’s the personal touch that counts. According to John Hittler of Evoking Genius, a handwritten note parallels the sentiment of a birthday card from a relative.

“Just the idea that something came in the mail for you (other than an invoice) creates an almost unheard-of experience for your best customers,” he explains on, “Tell them exactly what you appreciate about them. Promise to partner with them for greater success. Say “thank you.” You’ll have clients for life if you start every year with this practice.”

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