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2 Big Reasons To Take Your Business On The Road

There are many business owners today who are not satisfied with just offering their products and services to the members of the community who live nearby their stores. Instead, they wish to captivate a worldwide audience, inviting consumers from all walks of life to give their brands chances. As a result, an investment in e-commerce has topped many an entrepreneur’s to-do list.

By selling products online, business owners virtually open the doors of their stores 24 hours a day and seven days a week to customers all over the world. It should probably go without saying that the internet is a top-choice destination for shoppers all across the globe. With that said, there are still some business owners who want more than that. So, in addition to inviting worldwide customers to visit their websites, they hit the road to bring their businesses to customers worldwide.

Here are two big reasons to your business on the road:

1. It’s bound to generate higher sales.

It’s pretty simple, really. The more people who know about your business, the more people you’re going to have support it. When you hit the road to attend trade shows, conferences and festivals, you won’t be able to help how many new customers learn about your business. As Nicolette Maury points out on, networking with new customers in new areas is a great way to grow your business. As if they were necessary, studies have confirmed this.

“Getting on the road helps your reach new customers in new areas,” she shares, “Research shows that the more you network, the more business you’ll generate from networking: five to nine hours, or the equivalent of one working day per week, will see 50% of your business generated by that activity.”

2. It’s bound to grow your social media reach, thus, improving your online sales.

When you take your business on the road, consumers, who you would otherwise never meet, are bound to share their thoughts with others about how impressed they are with your brand. That is, of course, if they are impressed with your brand. One of your top missions should be to get new customers to follow your social media profiles and comment on them. Online comments work wonders in impressing curious would-be customers who browse the net before making purchase decisions.

On, Sunny Bonnell reveals how taking her business on the road gained her brand a lot more social media fans. “Hitting the road allows you to go to wherever your prospects and clients are gathered,” she writes, “While we were traveling, fans who had been following us on Facebook or Instagram contacted us when we came through their town, often asking us to lunch or hiring us to come work with them on location. This happened in dozens of cities, and we made lots of contacts, that otherwise might’ve only happened at networking events or conferences.”

Of course, taking your business on the road is no small undertaking. To afford your plans, extra working capital will be necessary. This is where Synergy Merchants comes in! For more information about how our merchant cash advance program can help you get your hands on the money you need quickly, call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at

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